Thursday, November 29, 2012

Let’s Take Time and Be Thankful for Family

Sometimes during the holiday season it can feel like there’s too much family time! The kids are home from school, your parents are in your guest room and your husband is in the living room watching football – again! Maybe you feel like you need some space. But can you imagine what life would be like without them?  It would leave a gigantic hole in your life wouldn’t it?

Yet the simple fact that we have our family with us day after day can lead us to take them for granted or even worse, get irritated and take it out on them in a way that we would never treat our workmates or neighbors. To counteract this, why not take a moment and create a thank you list for each family member.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

To my parents:
Thank you for your patience, kindness, family standards that you held me to, and love.
Thank you for teaching me to love traveling, exotic foods, all sorts of music…
Thank you for giving me the confidence to believe that I can do anything.
Thank you for the years of caring for my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs.
Thank you for gently giving me my wings to grow and support when I needed it.
Thank you for teaching me not to take myself too seriously.

To my spouse:
Thank you for seeing the positive when things get messed up.
Thank you for pitching in when I’m tired and can’t take another step.
Thank you for really listening when I’m down.
Thank you for saying, “I’m sorry.”
Thank you for the hugs, kisses and pats on the back for the kids and me.
Thank you for always being my biggest fan and supporting me.

To my children:
Thank you for being the lovable you.
Thank you for all the sweet hugs, kisses, and cuddles even as you get older.
Thank you for picking up your toys without being asked.
Thank you for being so kind and polite and for saying, “Thank you and please.”
Thank you for the beautiful pictures you draw for me.

Now, add yourself to the list and thank yourself for all the good things you’ve done and the good qualities you have. And then treat yourself to a little relaxation by having one of our professionals do something that’s been on you to-do list too long.

Or better yet, schedule a family dinner party during the holiday season and let us help you with ideas of how to make it simple and successful.  Contact us at Simplify for a free consultation if you live in the Silicon Valley area.

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