Monday, May 18, 2009

Simple Tips to Reduce the Impact of Stress

Stress – too much of it and your career suffers, your family suffers and even your health suffers. The problem is it’s impossible to steer clear of every difficult or stressful situation, especially when you’re balancing a family with a career.

However, there are two ways you can at least minimize the negative impact of stress – by avoiding unnecessary stress and by changing how you react to unavoidable stress.

1. Avoid “unnecessary” stress
  • Learn to say NO. I think most women have a hard time with this one. Remember that it’s okay to say “no” to added responsibilities, being around difficult people, or putting yourself in places or situations that make you uncomfortable.
  • Manage your time more effectively. There’s lot of ways to do this, whether it’s not scheduling all of your meetings on the day your big project’s due, to commuting when there’s less traffic, to finding a yoga class that is on a different day than your son’s baseball practice.
  • Delegate and ask for help when you need it. Enlist the aid of your husband, friends and neighbors – you don’t have to do it all yourself. Consider outsourcing tasks that you find draining and stressful.
2. Change the way you react to “unavoidable” stress
  • Express your feelings. Don’t keep all that stress pent up inside. Talk to your spouse or your best friend about what’s bothering you. You can also try journaling as a positive way to channel your frustrations.
  • Keep your sense of humor. A good laugh helps you think more clearly. Plus it somehow helps keep things in perspective if you can find the humor in the situation.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise not only helps you feel better physically, it also helps to clear your mind for better thinking. Walking is especially refreshing after a stressful day.
Sometimes it’s the little things that can make the biggest difference in our stress tolerance. Try a few suggestions and see what helps you reduce your level of stress. Oh, and one more thing – don’t forget to breathe!

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