Monday, February 14, 2011
De-Stress DURING Your Work Day

Many times we think that the time to relax is after work, not during work. The problem with waiting until after work to unwind and de-stress is that you take all that stress home with you – which will not only affect you, but also your family. At Simplify, we realize that life is too short to be stressed all the time.
Here are a few simple ideas of things that you can do to de-stress while you are at work:
Use Your Break Time to the Full
Most jobs come with an allotted time for breaks. For some strange reason, we never take them. But think about it...what is the purpose behind break time? Isn't it to refresh and rejuvenate yourself during the work day? Taking those allotted breaks will allow you to de-stress and ultimately recharge yourself so you can be more productive. So, take those breaks. Enjoy every minute and use your time wisely.
Sitting at a desk for hours at a time can you leave you feeling tight and tired. To relieve some of that tension, take a couple minutes every few hours (or more often if you feel it necessary) and stretch your body. It only takes a few minutes and the benefits are so worth the time. For some simple office stretch suggestions, I recommend Best Stretches for Office Workers.
Drink Up!
Water is the only beverage that will help you function to the best of your ability. Avoid over indulging in caffeine and soda. After the high of sugar and caffeine, you will crash and have even less energy. The average person should drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day. Also, keep on hand healthy snacks like nuts, fruit, and yogurt.
A good laugh will always brighten your day. Look for the funny things that happen in your day, subscribe to a joke of the day, or enjoy a funny comedy video on YouTube.
It's also vital to reduce your stress at home. We encourage you to spend your time on what matters most to you and your family ~ while we handle the rest. Contact us for more on how we can help you reduce your stress load.
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