Monday, February 21, 2011
Three Power Foods to Help You Fight Off Colds and the Flu

We all need help protecting ourselves and our families from the dreaded cold and flu season. Did you know that eating the right foods can help you ward off those nasty sicknesses? Eating the right foods can actually boost your immune system – our body’s natural defense system. By keeping that defense system strong, we will be much more successful in fighting off those icky germs.
Regularly eating a well rounded diet rich in fruits, veggies, lean meats, and whole grains is your best bet for a healthy immune system. You also want to avoid fatty foods, refined sugars, and excessive caffeine.
In addition to your healthy diet, there are certain “power” foods that have been proven to help your immune system stay strong:
Yogurt is packed with good bacteria aka "probiotics." These good guys help your digestive tract and fight off the bad germs for you. The key is to get the right kind of yogurt. Read the labels and make sure it says "live active cultures." Plain yogurt is usually your best bet because it does not contain added sugar. Kefir is another great option. It is a cultured milk product, but contains a slightly different bacteria that is also highly beneficial.
Part of the onion family, garlic contains allicin, a sulphuric compound, known for infection-fighting benefits. In order for allicin to be released, the garlic must be cut or crushed. Add garlic to your meals or if you are brave, crush a few cloves and swallow.
Rich in Vitamin C, A, and E, broccoli has been recognized as a great immunity booster. The great thing about broccoli is that is it inexpensive and easy to find all year round.
At Simplify, we encourage you to take the time to prepare healthy meals for you and your family. It takes time and forethought, but the benefits are well worth it. If you would like assistance with grocery shopping or healthy menu planning, we would love to help you. Please contact us for more information.
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