Monday, August 20, 2012

Create a Dedicated Area for Your Child’s Homework Station

You come home from work expecting your children to be nearly finished with their homework. It’s a house rule that there will be no TV or games before it’s done. And yet there they are on the living room floor, books and papers scattered and their eyes glued to a show on TV.

Before school starts this year, you might want to think about creating a homework station that keeps them focused and undistracted. After all, office workers are given cubicles or offices that screen them off from the hustle and bustle of those around them so they can concentrate. So why not provide your kids, who are more easily distracted, something similar?

Few people want to devote an entire room to an in-house classroom. Depending on the child’s needs and level of self-motivation, isolation in the bedroom might work for some. Others who require more monitoring will benefit from being where you are. All homework stations should be quiet and have enough space to spread work out, a good writing surface, good lighting, comfortable seating, and a way to organize supplies.

So, what are your options? Here are some suggestions:

Desk in the bedroom. This works well for older kids and those who are motivated to do their homework unsupervised. Make sure that they have a system to keep the desk organized and clear of clutter.

Dining room table. The dining table is a solution if you store all of the supplies in a nearby bin. However, it can become an irritation to set it up for homework everyday and then rush to clear it off for dinner.

Small desk in the living room. The only drawback is that the family will have to keep the noise down until all the homework is finished.

An armoire converted into a homework station. The inside can be converted into a station that can easily be put away by shutting the door. Take some shelves out so you can install a corkboard or pegboard to hang supplies and important papers.

A moveable, tri-fold screen with supplies attached. You can modify the idea on this website to suit your needs. Just be sure you choose a product that won’t scratch your tabletop.

For more ideas, check out the suggestions on This Old House. At the very least, it will inspire you to think outside the box and come up with some creative solutions that will work in your home.

A homework station really becomes effective when you also have a system for doing homework. Offices have long utilized systems of how, when, and in what order tasks should be accomplished. The same is true with household chores.

If you live in the Silicon Valley and are finding that you don’t have time to do everything, contact us at Simplify and we’ll discuss what our team can do to help lighten your load.

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