Monday, July 28, 2008

"Selfish" is not a bad word

Our household just went through the fever/sore throat/nasal congestion thing that has been going around recently. With 2 young children, it's a constant cycle of germs! It occurred to me though, as I was recently lying in bed with chills and a fever that I actually felt guilty about taking the time to get better. (Of course, it didn't help that my husband was also sick and we were doing a tag team thing of who felt worse and who got to take a nap!) I realized though that my feeling bad was because I felt like I was being selfish - selfish because my husband was also sick, selfish because I could hear the kids crying and whining and selfish because I was just taking time to myself.

I think selfishness has gotten a bad rap. Of course, I want my kids to grow up with a sense of perspective on the world around them and selflessness so that they're not always thinking of themselves. But I think moms especially are prone to go too far on the other end of the spectrum. We put others, not only our kids, before ourselves. We worry about everyone else before we worry about ourselves.

I think it's time we became a little selfish and took some time to ourselves. I'm not talking time just to go get a haircut or get our nails done or go to the doctor. I'm talking time to go take a dance class, attend a book club meeting, go out with the girls! I want some of the carefree-ness that my husband has when he goes to have drinks with the guys. He doesn't make sure there's milk in the fridge, prepare dinner, do the dishes, pack the kids' lunches before he gets ready to go out. He just goes. I want to just go out without giving a thought to these things. Enter my Simplify personal assistant. She does all of these things and in turn, I'm a little more selfish, a little more carefree and of course, a lot more happier!

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