Monday, October 15, 2012

Finding the Motivation to Maintain Your Exercise Routine

You know you should exercise, but you just can’t make yourself do it. Of course, you tell yourself that you’ll feel better once you get going, but there just seems to be too many roadblocks.

Here are some common roadblocks and suggestions for what you can do:

I don’t like to exercise.

Exercise is anything that gets you moving. It doesn’t have to mean an hour at the gym. There has to be something that you enjoy– walking the mall, swimming, gardening, or tennis. When you find a way to exercise that you like, it will be easier to schedule time to do it. It might help to include family or friends to make it more enjoyable.

I don’t have the energy.

You’ll get energy from simply starting to move. Just add 10 minutes of one simple activity to your day like stretching or walking. Make reasonable goals. Set a timer or clock the distance around your block and use these are markers for reaching your goal. Others find that using a pedometer that tracks how many steps you take each day helps in increasing your weekly goal.

When you compete against yourself, using time or distance as the marker, it will give you encouragement to keep trying until your energy level rises. If it doesn’t, you might want to see a doctor and find out if there’s a medical reason for your lack of energy.

I start but fail after a week or two.

If you’ve started, you haven’t failed. If you feel you’ve failed, perhaps you need to reexamine your goals and work at accomplishing something simpler. Think of it as building on what you’ve already begun. Ask yourself, what can I do today that will make me more active than I normally would be?

I don’t have the time.

How can you make more time? Buy out time from some other activity. It can be something as simple as getting out of bed 30 minutes earlier or giving up 30 minutes of TV at night and going go for a walk instead.

You’ll achieve measurable improvements to your health by simply exercising 10 minutes at three different times during the day.  Think of small ways you can increase your activity. Instead of reading that book, get it on audio and listen to it as you walk. Park your car further away from the door. Take the stairs. Little things like these all add up.

Want another way to make more time? If you live in the Silicon Valley, contact us at Simplify to see how our home concierge services can help you make more time for what’s important to you and your family.

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