Monday, March 7, 2011
Simplify and Other Tips to Make Moving Day Easier

I don't think anyone loves moving day. You may love being settled in your new home, but the process of packing and unpacking can be very stressful. The good news is that it doesn't have to be stressful. Making a move can be quite smooth as long as you simplify and get organized!
Here are a few of our favorite tips to help make your moving process a little easier...
When packing:
Pack up one room at a time. When you do this all items for that particular room (kitchen, bathroom etc) stay together. Don't mix and match different rooms or you will waste time trying to figure out where the different items go.
Label thoroughly. In big, bold letters, label each box. Write the room that the box should go in when it arrives at the new location and include what is inside the box (for example - "Kitchen - Silverware & Dish Towels"). If your box includes an item that is breakable, write "Fragile" on it.
Keep only what you want. If you come across things in your old house that you don’t use or want anymore, DO NOT pack them. Have an area designated for trash or things you would like to give away or donate. Keeping things that you don't want will take up space in your new home and also eat up your time because you’ll be trying to figure out what to do with them.
When unpacking:
Don't rush. Moving is a big deal. Plan ahead in your schedule to allow for adequate time for your move. If you need to take off some time, then do it. It will be well worth it. The sooner you get it done, the sooner you can relax and enjoy your new home.
Set up a game plan. Before you arrive at your new destination, decide how you want to work through the unpacking process. Be methodical. Place all boxes in the appropriate rooms before you start unpacking. Then go through one room at a time. The kitchen is usually the best place to start. Then work your way to the bathrooms, bedrooms, and then living areas. If you have children, get them involved. They can be great helpers!
Focus on the essential living areas first. Don't worry about areas such as the deck, garage, or shed. Those are areas that you can take time to organize later. Get the most important areas done first. By focusing on the essentials, you will avoid getting bogged down.
Have the proper tools. Set aside tools that you will need to help you doing the unpacking process. Scissors, X-acto knife, screwdriver, and hammer are good to have available.
By keeping these tips in mind, hopefully your moving day will be a pleasant experience. If you live in the Silicon Valley area and are interested in having professional help to get you packed and/or unpacked during your move, we would love to help you. Please contact Simplify for more information.
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