Monday, March 21, 2011
Crazy Busy? You Still Need to Make Time for Your Friends

No matter who you are, we all need friends. When you’re a working mom, it can be especially difficult to find time to spend with your friends, but it’s necessary to do so. Research has shown that having quality friends can actually impact your health for the good. Good friends can help you build up your self-esteem, cope with stress, and even help motivate you to take better care of yourself.
But, how can you make time for your friends? Here are a few suggestions we love:
- Focus on quality. We all wish we could give our friends ample time in our lives, but that’s not always possible. So, when it comes to friends, you may not be able to dedicate a lot of time, but you can make sure the time you spend is quality. When you do get to spend time with your friend or friends, be engaged. Avoid making them feel like you "have" to be there, but that you "want" to be there.
- Integrate your lives. What do you have in common with your friends? If you both enjoy the same thing, try working out a schedule to do it together. For example, do you both like to exercise? Instead of doing it alone, do it together. If you have kids around the same age, try setting up a weekly play date for the kids which will allow the two of you to have time together as well. Maybe you both have errands to run...can you do them together? Look for the opportunities to merge your schedules and get creative with your friend time.
- Plan in advance. If you really want to have some good fun girl time, plan it in advance. Try setting up a standing "friend appointment" to go to lunch, go shopping, have a spa day, or even plan a yearly getaway. Put it on the calendar! That way you make sure you get that time in. If you for some reason are having a hard time setting up these type of "friend appointments" maybe set up a regular time to catch up on the phone. A great time to make phone calls could be on your lunch break. If a window of time does become available at the last minute, be spontaneous!
- Don't forget the little things. An email, a text message, a hand written card are all little things that you can do to make your friend feel special. It doesn't have to be much. Friends just love to know that you think of them.
Let us know if you have any tips for squeezing in some time with your girlfriends. And if you would like to free up some of your time, contact Simplify. By allowing our home concierge services to help you care for some of your needs, you can spend time with the people that are most important in your life.
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