Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How Moms Can Avoid Getting Distracted at Work

As a working mom, you basically work two full-time jobs. Trust me, that is no easy task! In order to be productive in both areas of your life, you must learn how to handle distractions. 

Distractions can take away precious time from the things that you have to get done. Distractions at the workplace are everywhere. Here are a few simple ideas to help you avoid getting distracted when you are at work:

1. Limit how many times you check your email per day. You may be thinking, "It only takes a minute or two to check my email". But if you do that 30 times a day, you have lost at least 30 minutes of your work day! This can also apply to checking your cell phone for voicemails and text messages. 

2. Keep your work area organized.  A messy desk is full of distractions. Start each work day by clearing off your desk of anything that could be considered "nonessential" to that work day. This also includes getting everything you need for that day before you start. 

3. Set boundaries with your coworkers.  If your coworkers have the tendency to distract you, let them know in advance what your schedule is and that you cannot be disrupted during certain times. Another way is to let them know that if you have your door closed, that means you shouldn’t be bothered unless there’s an emergency. 

4. Take a few quick breaks. It's hard to stay focused 100% of the time. A few brief breaks throughout the day can be rejuvenating. Getting a glass of water or stretching for a few minutes can jolt you back into focus.

Another BIG distraction for working moms is worrying about all the things you have waiting for you at home. Laundry, grocery shopping, cooking dinner…the list goes on and on. If you feel this way, then you need to
Simplify! We offer a home concierge service for all your needs as a working mother so you can focus on getting your job done at work without unnecessary worries about caring for your home. If you live in the Silicon Valley, please contact us for a free consultation. We guarantee you peace of mind!  

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