Monday, August 23, 2010

7 Tips on Easing Into a New School Year

Our family has had a lot of fun this summer. It’s hard to believe school is starting just around the corner.  Taking a little time now to get organized will help avoid the last minute chaos that usually greets the first day.  And having an established routine will go a long way toward everything running smoothly.

Here are some tips to make the transition simpler:

  1. Now’s a good time to put away the summer sporting equipment and clothing that you’re not using any more and make room for school items.
  1. Have you organized a place for the community calendar?  How about a storage place for each child’s school supplies?  Where will they store their backpacks, shoes, homework, and artwork that they bring home?
  1. Have you gathered lunch pails, menu ideas for breakfast and lunch, and food so you’ll be able to pack nutritious meals for them?
  1. Summertime schedules allow kids to have a more relaxed sleeping schedule.  You can help the ease into the new school routine by adjusting their sleep patterns a couple of weeks before school begins. Start waking them up earlier each morning until they get used to the school wake up schedule.
  1. Hopefully you’ve had a chance to clean and organize the closets and you got rid of clothes your children have outgrown or damaged.  Take a list of what clothes are needed to “supplement” their wardrobe so you can make shopping for school clothes simpler and you’ll be able to stay on budget as well.  As you put the new clothes away, organize the closet according to outfits so in the mornings the children will know what to wear.
  1. Make sure you have all the necessary school supplies.  While you’re there gather supplies for organizing your own house, like calendars, storage bins, etc.
  1. Gather all of the required paperwork for registration so you’ll be prepared when you get to the school.  A quick call to the school will ensure that you have everything you need.
Delegating is great, but as any parent knows many things need your personal attention as a parent. To give you more time to concentrate on these important things, Simplify offers home and lifestyle management services to cover the other necessary things that you just don’t have the time for.  Check us out and see how our team of professionals can ease you and your family into a new school year in the Silicon Valley.

Quite often we only think about preparing our kids for school by making sure they have clothes and supplies.  Have you thought about preparing them for some of the challenges they might face?  More on that topic coming soon…

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