Monday, May 10, 2010

Moms are Special 365 Days of the Year

Even though Mother’s Day has come and gone and was most likely particularly special this year, it's also good to keep in mind that moms work hard every day to juggle work and home and family life.  Caring for herself is often way down on the list of things she finds time to do. 

Have you taken time lately to notice all of the good things she’s doing for you and the family?  Why not take some time to think about how to give a little back to her.  Here are a few suggestions of what you can do to show her you love her all year long.

How can you show appreciation for all that she does?

Kind words. A person can never say “thank you” and “please” enough.  And to tell her “I really appreciate this about you…” shows you’re paying attention.

Attitude of love and gratitude. Take time to focus on what she does for the family (or maybe how she took care of you when you were young). Whether it’s when she was so exhausted yet still baked cookies, got up early every morning to make you breakfast, or stayed up late to help you study for your exam... 

Help out around the house more. As kids grow up and gain more abilities, they should do their assigned chores without being asked and without grumbling.  Or maybe do something unexpected to help mom out.  It doesn’t have to be a big thing.  Putting toys away where they belong, or cleaning up a spill or taking out the garbage, all of these are simple things to show mom that you’re trying to make her job easier.

Order flowers for her once a month for a year. It doesn’t have to be flowers, it could be sending her funny cards, a basket of fruit, or any simple way to show that you remember her.

Schedule some time that’s just your special time with your mom.  Play games, talk, laugh, watch movies, read a book together, etc.  If you’re grown and have a family of your own, schedule one day a week that you telephone and talk to mom.

Give her time off to be by herself. Rather than always demanding attention, let her enjoy some down time doing something that rejuvenates her spirits – like taking a bubble bath or reading a book.

Begin making dinner one night every week. Nothing becomes more wearing than trying to figure out what to cook every night day after day, year after year.  Mom would find it a welcome break to have an evening off when she doesn’t have to cook or do the clean up.  And if she could expect it once a week that would truly be a treat!

Hire help. Give her more time by relieving her of some of the work that’s she’s been doing for years.  For example, maybe she loves her yard but just doesn’t have the time or energy to keep it like she wants.  Find someone that can help her out on a regular basis, so when she does have a moment to herself she can enjoy it.

If you think mom could really benefit from some regular help we can help! Simplify offers a free consultation where we brainstorm with you on the services that would help mom the most. If you live in the Silicon Valley make sure to contact us for a gift that mom can use 365 days a year – more time! 

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