Monday, October 6, 2008

And they didn't even say Hi!.... The Amazing Race 13

We were watching The Amazing Race last night & laughed out loud at the New York couple, Terence & Sarah. He's so darn needy and emotional and whiny and she's so worried about everyone liking her! In a classic moment last night, Terence is complaining about 2 other teams working together, blah, blah, blah and then Sarah comes in with, "And they didn't even say Hi!" We almost fell over laughing. This, after the whole drama with Terence getting his head hit by the car trunk in the beginning and then wanting Sarah to kiss it and blow on it. Hi-larious. But seriously, where do they find these people?

It always cracks me up how people go on the show to see whether they should continue their relationship or not (i.e., separated couple Ken & Tina). Hmmm, let's take 6 weeks of really stressful traveling, stunts, competition and intense athletic activity to figure out our relationship... or is it the hope of winning $1M at the end?

It's all very entertaining anyway. We love The Amazing Race, always have. Something about seeing the world and the adventure racing aspect of it.

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