Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to Basics

I’ve got an admission to make. I watch a lot of TV. My husband watches a lot of TV. Thus, our 4 year old has watched a lot of TV. It’s just something we do, but at least with having a dvr, we watch what we actually want to watch when we have the time. I always would hear about parents who don’t let their kids watch any TV at all and thought, first, I could never do that because I watch TV and second, I’d like my kids to have a sense of the pop/TV culture around them.

However, I must say, due to a series of events over the last several weeks at our house, we’ve watched maybe an average of only 1 hour of TV a day. Which is amazing in our household. These events were, the Olympics ending and having nothing interesting to watch, and our 4 year old having her TV privileges taken away (which were only 1 hour per day for the summer anyway). So, in our wired world, you’d think we’d all turn to our computers and the internet and youtube, right? Well, throw in technical difficulties with our internet being down for a week and we were back to basics, literally.

But you know what? We didn’t miss it. I didn’t miss it. My daughter found other things to do and I actually started reading again! Oh, I used to love reading, before law school and practicing law totally killed any desire I had to read since I was researching and reading cases, articles and legislation all day. And this wasn’t just listening to audio books as I’ve done over the years in the car doing errands and commuting. This was an actual live book with pages to turn and everything. I read Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert in about a week and I’m hooked on reading again. I can't believe I've actually made time to read again. We go to the library now so I can check out books too (which as an aside, I absolutely love the library – big fan, always have been). And, for all you readers out there who want to exchange out some of your books, check out this very cool website, Paperback Swap!

So for now, I'm in a little happy reading place and currently reading Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albrom. Check back in October though, when the fall TV lineup starts again...

1 comment:

DianaL said...

Hi Selena,

I have heard great things about Eat, Pray, Love lately! I don't have much time to read, but this book is on my "list". I loved "The Five People you Meet in Heaven"! It's one of my favorites. Hope you're doing well, and that business is booming!
