Monday, April 2, 2012
Busy Moms - Be Prepared and Enjoy Life More

We’ve been blogging about the importance of being prepared for big things like earthquakes and other natural disasters, but preparation is also important for everyday life.
Do you tend to let day-to-day irritations build up? Do you deal with kids saying every morning, “Mom, I don’t have any clean clothes…Mom I need this signed…Mom, I need...?” Or perhaps you’ve let the housework pile up, so now you’re faced with Mount Everest of dirty clothes and a bathroom that needs a major scrubbing.
These may seem like little things, but on a morning that’s overly stressed anyway they can be enough to dissolve you into tears. With only a minimal amount of preparation for daily life, you can reduce a great deal of stress and accomplish a lot more.
Let’s tackle the laundry first. Don’t try to do it all yourself. After all, most of the clothes belong to other members of your family. Make each responsible for turning clothes right side out and calling your attention to stains so you can treat them right away. Have you labeled children’s items so they’re easy to sort? You can streamline the work even if you have a baby by doing a load a day, rather than letting it pile up.
Plan the night before. Everyone can mentally choose clothing so they know what to quickly slip on in the morning. Have a routine for schoolwork so children get it all finished and signed. Use dinnertime preparation to get food ready for breakfast and lunches as well.
Enlist help. Children need to be involved, and chores are a good way to make them aware that they’re contributing something valuable to the success of the family. You can take turns babysitting or carpooling with other parents. That gives you and them a break.
Be prepared for accidents. You know how upsetting it is when your child spills something all over their clothes, or you run out of diapers right before your baby makes a real mess! It always seems to happen on the worst day when you’re pressed for time. Keep extra clothes, diapers or other items in the back of your car to help alleviate that stress.
Make time for yourself. Yes, there’s only 24 hours in each day. But you can “make” time, by scheduling your personal quiet time before your children get up or after they go to bed. You need this time to be revitalized, whether it’s for exercising or getting to read something special.
The key is having a schedule of your priority tasks, and do a little every day. When you’re prepared and more organized, life is much more pleasant. You won’t feel like you’re sacrificing your children for your career or vice versa.
If you feel like you’re stuck, it may be worth consulting with a professional organizer. After just a few hours, you can have a system set up that makes your life simpler and more efficient. Call us for a complimentary consultation and we’ll be happy to talk about how we can help you be prepared.
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing such kinds of blog. Blog related to ways to enjoy life more. Thanks.
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