Monday, June 7, 2010

What Exactly Can a Household Assistant Do For You?

Have you been wanting some assistance with your housework but hesitate because you don’t know exactly HOW someone can helpAs a lifestyle and home concierge service, Simplify’s household assistants are in high demand. But what exactly does a household assistant do? What kinds of projects can you turnover to their capable hands?

Let me give you a quick rundown of the services available from a household assistant and then you’ll feel confident about getting that extra help you need.

What will your kitchen look like when your assistant in finished?

·       The dirty dishes that were in the sink are sparkling clean and put away.  The assistant will use your dishwasher or do it by hand—whichever method you need.
·       The countertop and stove range will be orderly and clean.
·       The refrigerator will smell wonderfully clean – all unknown and unidentifiable items have disappeared.
·       And did you notice that scrumptious aroma when you walked in the door? Your dinner is ready and waiting!

The list of errands that you left is gone.

·       Your dry cleaning has been dropped off and will be picked up when ready.
·       Your cupboards and refrigerator have been freshly restocked with all of the items on your grocery list.
 ·       That package you have been meaning to mail has been sent off.

Walk into the living room and what will you notice?

·       Everything is tidy and neat. If you have kids, you’ll notice the toys are put away.  How cool is that!
·       The tables have been wiped clean and that bouquet of flowers (on your list) looks beautiful.
·       The plants are happy that they’re being watered on a regular basis.
·       The mail has been collected and placed in its special place on the side table.
·       All the garbage cans in the house have been emptied and carried out to the curb. Even the recycling has been carried out to the curb.

What about the laundry room? The laundry piles are gone!

·       The Darks have been washed with darks. The Whites have been washed with whites.
·       The hampers have been switched out and are ready for the new week.
·       The shirts have been ironed and are hanging in the closet. All the other clothes have been put away where they belong.

What will you see when you go to your bathroom and then get ready for bed?

·       New clean towels are hanging and the bathmat is clean.
·       Your bathroom itself is clean—there’s no toothpaste in the sink and the countertops are tidy and clean.
·       Lovely clean sheets and blankets on a newly made bed just calling your name.

Imagine being able to come home and really relax. Yes, a household assistant can do a lot to help you manage the everyday tasks for your household. However, not everyone wants an assistant that takes care of everything. Maybe it’s just a project or two that would relieve the most stress - an assistant can take care of those too.

At Simplify, we’ll create a schedule that meets your needs and works for you. If you live in the Silicon Valley take advantage of our free consultation.

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