Monday, June 21, 2010

Simplify with Backyard Barbeque Basics

Nothing’s better than spending a warm, sunny afternoon with a group of good friends gathered around the backyard barbeque grill. Good food, good company, and pleasant surroundings contribute to a delightful party. Whether you are a casual or elaborate host there are some barbeque basics you’ll want to consider for a successful party.

Checklist for a Great Backyard Barbeque

· Organize everything well in advance. This allows you to concentrate on your guests rather than the details of the party. Do your shopping ahead of time, preferably with a well-thought-out list, so you don’t have to frantically run to the store for last minute items you’ve forgotten.

· Clean thoroughly early in the week and then do a quick check the day of the party. You don’t want to have to be cooking and cleaning right before the party, so do the majority of cleaning ahead of time or even hire some extra help. The day of the party do a quick check, especially of the bathrooms, making sure they are tidy and that there are enough supplies for your guests.

· Make sure your grill has enough fuel for the evening. There’s nothing worse than getting halfway through your barbeque and realizing you’re out of gas!

· Double check your yard to make sure there are no hidden hazards. Will there be plenty of room to walk around? Make sure there’s nothing that will cause your guests to stumble or fall.

· Think out your serving and seating arrangements. Make sure to provide ample seating. If the wind picks up, do you have some way of holding the table clothes down? Have some cute weights available just in case – you can purchase them or even make your own.

· Consider hiring a caterer. Maybe you want to do the actual barbequing…but that doesn’t mean you have to do it all! You can hire a caterer to take care of appetizers, side dishes and desserts. You’ll also benefit from the help cleaning up afterwards so you can keep visiting with your guests.

· Ask your guests to bring their favorite foods. Not only does this mean less work for you, your guests usually enjoy participating. Those who are on diets or have special food restrictions will feel at ease bringing something that they can enjoy and share with the group.

· Keep your guests healthy and safe. Eating outside requires extra diligence to make sure cold food is kept cold and hot food is kept hot.

· Go “green” with your dishes. If you purchase an inexpensive set of dishes, glasses and utensils they can be reused many times rather than throwing away paper plates and Styrofoam.

· If you have a swimming pool or hot tub make sure you have rules that will keep everyone safe. If you have children at the party, will there be someone assigned to supervise the pool at all times?

· Decide what forms of entertainment you’ll provide. Games can help keep the kids busy so they’ll burn off some energy. You may want to have a few prizes at the end of the games – for kids and adults! Try providing some background music to help set the mood.

· Provide climate and bug control. Give your guests some shade with umbrellas over the tables or have a basket of hand fans for those who want to use them. Make sure there is plenty of ice and water available. If bugs are a problem, especially in the evening, you may want to provide bug spray, use citronella candles, or a bug zapper.

· When the afternoon turns into evening make sure there’s ample lighting. Candles set a wonderful mood or you can string lights out along the deck and bushes for a surprisingly beautiful sight.

If you’re organized ahead of time and get the help you need you’ll be able to enjoy your barbeque along with your guests. The beauty of backyard barbequing is the simple and comfortable feeling of sharing good food and laughter with your friends. Does life get any better than that?

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