Monday, June 9, 2008

Sex & The City and Simplify Home Solutions

As a Sex & The City fan, I was so excited to see the movie and I have to say I loved it! I also couldn't help but notice that there's some nice symmetry going on between the movie and what Simplify does for its clients.

What do Sex & The City and Simplify Home Solutions have in common?

**Warning - spoiler alert, do not read if you haven't seen the movie & want to & don't want to know what happens!**

Well, after Carrie moves back into her apartment and can't stand the thought of having to unpack everything and deal with her life, she finds there is no better time than to hire an assistant! Jennifer Hudson as her assistant Louise, takes care of everything Carrie doesn't want to do - email, getting a new cell phone, unpacking, checking her P.O. box, etc. And although Carrie has written 2 more books since the series ended, she's not rolling in the dough. However, she outsourced all of her dreaded tasks and in no time at all was calling her assistant St. Louise from St. Louis - a lifesaver!

This too is what Simplify offers for its clients - the opportunity to push off all of their dreaded tasks (let's face it, who really likes to do filing?). However, we actually go one step beyond - our clients don't have to waste their day like Carrie did interviewing drunk, cross-dressing assistant candidates in a cafe, they can just call us and we'll place a qualified, well-matched assistant in their households and manage that relationship for them.

So, while we can't all be Carries of the world, we can at least consciously decide that we've had enough of the everyday trials and tribulations that get in the way of us enjoying our lives. Oh, and apparently we can rent designer handbags from, who got a Major plug in the movie!

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